You can utilize the search feature in the Unroll.Me app or a website to locate the subscription and then edit it in Unroll.Me. The search feature is available for Inbox, Subscriptions and Rollup tabs in Unroll.Me.
How to locate a specific subscription in the Unroll.Me app:
- Open the Unroll.Me app on a mobile device.
- Select the mailbox at the top of the screen.
- Then start entering the domain in the search field.
- When you see the subscription, you can edit it by switching the status to Kept, Rollup or Unsubscribed.
How to locate a specific subscription in the Unroll.Me website:
- Open the Unroll.Me website on the desktop.
- Select the mailbox at the top right corner of the page.
- Click on the "Subscriptions" tab from the left.
- Select the category depending on where the subscription is located (Kept/Unsubscribed/RolledUp).
- Then start entering the domain in the search field.
- When you see the subscription, you can edit it by switching the status to Kept, Rollup or Unsubscribed.
Note: The search feature on the website works only within specific tab (Kept, Unsubscribed, Rolled Up). If you're unsure where your subscription is located, please search in each tab.
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team!