Unroll.Me is the easiest way to manage and declutter your inbox. After signing up, Unroll.Me will scan your email account for subscription emails and list out the ones it detected. You can then unsubscribe from unwanted email subscriptions, consolidate the incessant emails you want so they come once a day, and keep all the rest in your inbox.
Unroll.Me offers you to sort your emails according to three options:
(1) Unsubscribe: allows you to keep your newsletter subscription while placing your emails in the Unroll.Me/Unsubscribed folder of your mailbox.
(2) Rollup: allows you to group emails together and add them to a digest that will be sent to you once a day, at the time of your choosing.
(3) Keep: keeps your emails in the Inbox.
Decluttering your inbox has never been so easy, or looked so good!